Sunday, February 8, 2009

Providence or Fate

So, I wanted to finally make Christina dinner, seeing how its been, I don't know know, since last year that I cooked her something... As the steak was sizzling on the barbeque and the wine was room temperish in the glasses, my beautiful girlfriend walked in the door. Of course the meal wasn't ready. No worries. She told me about her day and the movie she hadn't seen in ages - "Pillow Talk". I sent her to the movie store in search of her fabled cinematic adventure, all along knowing the storyline, (thank you Mom for the forced education of Rock Hudson don'ts), genuinely feeling like I'd done something great. But it wasn't the perfect steak or bacon-induced green beans or the amazing bottle(s) of wine that made the night unbelievably special, it was the unexplained connection that we continuously share.
When two people fall in love, there are obviously many reasons, but, Christina and I share something that transponds time and physical attraction. Its the insatiable lust for traditional values expressed through music and cinematography...Frank Sinatra, Doris Day, Dean Martin, ect. (The good wine also helps!)
But the reminicing leads toward other aspects of angelic proportions. And this is the open forum I leave for posterity. There have been many moments in my recent life where angels have walked into and out of my life - saving it literally and figuratively. Yes, I say this without hesitation. Thank you Jodi for being there in my absolute darkest hour and literally saving my life. Also, thank you Rico, for not wanting to go to the gym. It is that one singular moment in my life, that I met, purely upon chance, the love of my life. Had I gone to the gym, I would surely be that much buffer. As it is, I met someone that changed my life, and I'm fat. No, just kidding. But seriously. That one moment changed my life. An unscheduled change in a very serious routine changed my life in a way that has to be questioned and answered emphatically!
There's no question that I love Christina with my entire being, but is this love a matter of fate or divine intervention? I need to know...

Sunday, February 1, 2009


15 million Americans died because of the Great Depression. This worries me...

My Very First Blog

So, I've decided to try this blog thing because I enjoy telling others about my journeys. I really should have started this last year, seeing how I traversed nearly the entire country, but, alas, I will begin now. So enjoy!